Borderline Personality Disorder Test – BPD

Dont be alone with your co occurring disorder

A quick assessment, the Borderline Personality Disorder Test – BPD allows individuals along with licensed trained professionals to develop an understanding the extent of one’s mental state based on self and relationship perception.

“People with BPD are like people with third degree burns over 90% of their bodies. Lacking emotional skin, they feel agony at the slightest touch or movement.” -Marsha M. Linehan

Who Is This Borderline Personality Disorder Quiz For?

The following questions pertain to common life experiences among individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Please carefully read each question and indicate the frequency with which you have encountered similar challenges in the past few weeks.

If you are completing the quiz on behalf of someone else, such as a spouse, partner, parent, or child, please provide answers that you believe they would give. Ideally, it is recommended that the individual in question complete the test themselves and share the results with a licensed healthcare professional or doctor.

How Accurate is the Borderline Personality (BPD) Quiz?

It is important to note that this quiz does not serve as a diagnostic tool. The diagnosis of mental health disorders can only be made by licensed mental health professionals or doctors. At Prescott House, we believe that assessments can be an initial step towards seeking treatment. Often, individuals refrain from seeking help due to concerns that their issues may not be valid or severe enough to warrant professional intervention.

Complete the test by responding to each statement by checking “True” or “False” to each of the 9 statements.

    1. Some of my closest relationships often fluctuate between intense compassion to complete disconnection.TrueFalse

    2. My concurrent sentiment alternates often, as I feel deep depression, impatience, restlessness, and nervousness.TrueFalse

    3. I am in a constant state of irritation and my anger is uncontrollable.TrueFalse

    4. During confused mental states I am a personal threat as I fantasize or act out with physical abuse and have suicidal ideations.TrueFalse

    5. The mental state pertaining to my self-portrait is insecure and erratic, often times questioning my morality and beliefs.TrueFalse

    6. I am constantly questioning the intentions of others around me and develop paranoia during stressful events.TrueFalse

    7. My life generally revolves around harmful or destructive processes such as criminal activity, obsession with sex, personal endangerment, gambling and unhealthy diet.TrueFalse

    8. Often times I elude the potential for abandonment whether factual or fantasized.TrueFalse

    9. I agonize over habitual sensitivity towards hollowness and detachment.TrueFalse

    Download the Borderline Personality Disorder Test – BPD PDF

    *Submission of this assessment does not qualify nor exclude you from our Co-Occurring Disorder Program.

    This is provided as a preliminary screening to assess the extent of current and past depression and anxiety.

    FAQs on Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Test 

    How can I tell if I have BPD?

    Identifying whether you may have a borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a complex process best done by a trained mental health professional. However, some common signs and symptoms of BPD include intense and unstable relationships, fear of abandonment, emotional instability, impulsive behavior, identity disturbance, chronic feelings of emptiness, recurrent suicidal thoughts or self-harming behaviors, and difficulty controlling anger. If you suspect you may have BPD, it’s important to seek professional help for an accurate diagnosis.

    Should I self-diagnose BPD?

    Self-diagnosis is not recommended when it comes to mental health conditions like borderline personality disorder. While it’s natural to try and understand your experiences and feelings, self-diagnosis can be inaccurate and misleading. BPD is a complex disorder, and a proper diagnosis requires a comprehensive evaluation by a qualified mental health professional. They will consider your symptoms, medical history, and personal circumstances to make an accurate diagnosis and provide appropriate treatment recommendations.

    How to get tested for borderline personality disorder?

    To get tested for borderline personality disorder, it’s best to reach out to a mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist, who specializes in personality disorders. They will conduct a thorough assessment, which typically includes a clinical interview, review of your medical history, observation of your symptoms and behaviors, and possibly psychological tests or questionnaires. This comprehensive evaluation helps the professional determine whether you meet the criteria for BPD and rule out other possible explanations for your symptoms.

    How do doctors test for borderline personality disorder?

    Doctors or mental health professionals typically use a combination of methods to test for borderline personality disorder. The assessment process involves gathering information about your symptoms, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors through clinical interviews, questionnaires, and observation. They may also ask about your medical history and perform a physical examination to rule out any underlying medical conditions that could be contributing to your symptoms. The goal is to evaluate your overall mental health and determine whether you meet the specific diagnostic criteria for BPD.

    Can DNA tests tell you about borderline personality disorder?

    Currently, there are no specific DNA tests available to diagnose borderline personality disorder. BPD is a complex mental health condition that arises from a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. While genetics play a role in the development of BPD, it is not determined by a single gene or easily detectable through a DNA test. The diagnosis of BPD primarily relies on a thorough clinical assessment conducted by a qualified mental health professional.

    What age can you test for borderline personality disorder?

    There is no specific age at which borderline personality disorder can be definitively diagnosed. However, BPD is typically not diagnosed in children or adolescents. The symptoms of BPD often emerge during adolescence or early adulthood. Mental health professionals may be cautious about diagnosing BPD in individuals under the age of 18, as some of the symptoms might be part of normal developmental processes during adolescence. However, if a young person is experiencing significant distress and impairment due to symptoms consistent with BPD, a mental health professional can still provide appropriate support and treatment.

    What genetic tests are there for borderline personality disorder?

    Currently, there are no specific genetic tests available for diagnosing borderline personality disorder. BPD is a complex condition influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. While research suggests a genetic component to BPD, the exact genes involved and their interactions are not yet fully understood. Genetic testing for BPD is not a standard practice, and the diagnosis is primarily based on a comprehensive clinical assessment conducted by a qualified mental health professional.

    When can you test for borderline personality disorder?

    Borderline personality disorder can be assessed and diagnosed when symptoms are present and significantly affect an individual’s daily functioning and well-being. Typically, the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder is made during adolescence or early adulthood. This is because the symptoms of BPD often become more apparent during this developmental period. However, it’s important to note that BPD can be diagnosed in individuals of any age if the symptoms are persistent and meet the diagnostic criteria. If you suspect that you or someone you know may have BPD, it’s advisable to consult with a qualified mental health professional who can conduct a thorough assessment and provide an accurate diagnosis.

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